To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You

Also checked out the new romantic comedy sequel on Netflix To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love. Sequel to the Netflix original To All The Boys I Loved Before… a cute little romantic comedy piffle from a couple years ago. Terrible title, but a good little flick.
So, in the new movie, lead character Lara Jean is moon-eyed over being a girlfriend for the first time (including a recreation of the Then He Kissed Me intro to Adventures in Babysitting… to which I approve). She’s now dating the dude from the first film and she’s clearly overthinking it… because this is her First Date, but to him, it’s a Friday. But on top of that, one of the guys who sent a letter to in the first flick comes back into her life… and she crushed the hardest on him when they were younger. Drama!
This is a charming, cute, adorable little film with a cast really into making a sequel. In fact, the actress playing the lead is super charming, adorable, and funny… moreso than I noticed in the first flick. I hope she gets more work. The new guy in her life is also a basket of charming (I guess he’s recast from the first flick). There’s also decent side-stories involving the dad (John Corbett) and his daughters trying to set him up on a date with the neighbor.
I can’t say the movie is deep or says anything but if you want a warm bit of cuddle in the form a movie, you could do so much worse. The only reason I’m down on the movie at all is because I think it ran a hair too long and, well, because Lara Jean just chooses the wrong dude. Objectively picks the wrong grinning fool. Objectively. No arguments.
It’s a good bit of fun, especially if you have the kind of tastes this movie is aimed at. I’m not that person but I can still appreciate a bunch of cute charm. This is that.
Score: 78