
Half a generic, low budget zombie flick, half an actually pretty interesting high school horror/comedy. This movie certainly has its problems but it’s filmed with an energy and gives us an interesting variation on the usual zombie tropes. I admire it… maybe a little bit more than I enjoyed it… but maybe that’s enough for a little indie thing.

The flick is about a bus-load of high school kids on a field trip when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. Alone in the middle of nowhere, they have to scramble to survive their zombified classmates.

This film has a real energy to it… creative camerawork, interesting imagery, and a cool use of light and colors. It certainly doesn’t look like the flat, typical zombie flick. You can see the seems of the budget and the experience but you can just as easily see them trying to make something just a little bit better. I really dig the movie’s style, even if it doesn’t always succeed.

The zombie story is a little rote and typical, especially at first. One of those “we only have a few bucks, what kind of movie can we make?” type flicks. The zombies are more your rage zombies than traditional Romero corpses and there’s a decent amount of blood ‘n guts.

But the movie’s story takes an interesting turn about half-way through. I don’t think its logic would hold up in court but, once again, I admire the gumption. The desire to not just make that standard-issue zombie flick but to insert a lot of emotional trauma from high school.

Probably runs a little longer than it needs and maybe could have used another pass on the script level, but I think this is a neat little film. It does something slightly different with the zombie genre which is always welcome. And the camera work and editing make this better than it should have been. Certainly not perfect… there’s pacing issues and technical limitations, but it tries.

If any of this sounds interesting, give it a shot and just try to stick with it and see where it goes.

Score: 75