
For as long as live streaming has been a thing and for as long as found footage AND screen life movies have been a thing, how is it taken this long to get a movie called Deadstream? Well, this Shudder original takes care of that.

Deadstream is a comedic found footage horror film. A highly energetic and clearly not at all annoying live streamer decides to spend the night in the most haunted of houses in the country (that he can gain access to). Of course, real haunts are present and the freak outs go from performative to real.

This is one of the more inventive and original found footage films… and one that didn’t annoy me every few minutes. Finally there’s a reason the cameras keep rolling… this is a livestream… the audience must be fed. Plus he puts up cameras everywhere he goes from an infinite supply of GoPros.

The film isn’t really all that scary but I can see it having some good jumps for some. Mainly it’s just a slightly gory, low budget freak-out-a-thon with a ton of energy and a decent amount of funny commentary and gags. It helps the main character is trying to drive user retention and maintain his brand so there’s a lot of random glib comments. It might get a little overkill at times, but that’s just the job.

Very entertained by this found footage freakout. A good time was had in a very stale genre.

Score: 85