GameStop: Rise of the Players

For unknown reasons, this documentary showed up at my local theater. For lesser known reasons, I went to see it. Stay home… if curious, watch a YouTube video about the subject or wait for streaming rental.

The flick is the (very recent) history of GameStop’s stock, the attempt to short it, and then revenge of the shitposters who drove the stock super high. The hedge fund managers got a whoopin’, RobinHood stopped purchases, etc. You might remember this story.

This is too much time spent on too slim a story. It gets repetitive and boring pretty quickly. I mean, there’s only so much interest I can get out of a segment on Zoom calls featuring ten possible investors. Or the shocking reveal of who a particular cat-based personality really was.

I also had a problem with the doc telling us on numerous occasions that most people hate GameStop. Fine… but why? I guess this movie isn’t about the history of the store and their business practices… it’s about buying their stock. They make one single (flimsy) argument why the stock was going to go up… and then just talk stock prices and market manipulation for an hour, completely divorced from the company in question. I mean, they didn’t interview anyone who worked at GameStop – either horrible corporate overlords or the folks in the store.

I suppose some people will find this fascinating, but I found it mostly empty and long-winded. All this info exists (for free) in shorter form on YouTube. Maybe I was expecting more background on GameStop but that’s not the movie they made. Oh well.

Score: 66