Gloria Bell

Also checked out the new film Gloria Bell. About all I knew about it was that it has high review scores and stars Julianne Moore who I like. So going in blind.
Gloria Bell is a character piece about a divorced woman of a certain age (played by Moore). She has two adult children, a re-married ex-husband, and she loves to go to the clubs. And she’s deeply lonely. She meets a man her age played by John Turturro and they begin dating which leads to awkward situations with their families.
And, yeah, that’s about it. A smallish indie flick about dating over a certain age. Nothing more than a good movie about adults played by good actors. It’s not always super engaging but I think the story eventually finds its way to a good conclusion and that’s worth the trip, I think.
So, yeah, maybe check it out if the topic is up your alley… or wait until it plays at home. I think it’s worthwhile if you can pull yourself away from the spaceships and the rocket powered superheroes (and I know you can or were never there in the first place).
Score: 80