He’s All That

What can I say to defend myself? I liked this fluffy-headed ninny of a movie. I was rather surprised by how charming and breezy it was. I’m not much of a fan of the original She’s All That, but a gender-swapped remake works well enough for me. At least we’re doing something slightly different.

So He’s All That stars social media personality (I’m taking Wikipedia’s word on that) Alison Rae as a social media influencer who has a bad day which goes viral. So she decides she can prove her influence still matters by turning a loser into the next It guy.

All of which sounds like a recipe for another mediocre rom-com but this flick gets away with it. You know this plot and you know exactly how it goes. Whether it works or not depends on how well it pulls it off and it mostly worked for me. I liked the fresh-faced, charismatic actors, I laughed a little bit, and I was kind of invested in this silly romance. Yes, it’s as angsty and edgy as a flopsy bunny, but that’s no crime.

As far as the guy (Tanner Buchanan) getting the make-over goes, at least they don’t pull the “glasses make you ugly” schtick. In fact, they never even bother to suggest the guy isn’t already cute. He’s just a long-haired, flannel-wearing photographer who doesn’t give a damn about what people think of him. I dunno, seemed kind of cool to me already. But what do I know from TikTok social influencers and their fans?

I was going to *gasp* rate this a half star higher but, even if I’m giving this flick a lot of leeway for predictability, its Big Reveal was handled very awkwardly. And then we had to wander through the usual, standard-issue rom-com misunderstanding or betrayal plot until our two lovestruck ninnies get over themselves and smooch at the big dance. Oh, and the movie decides it needs an out-of-nowhere dance off. Where did that come from? And when will it end?

Otherwise, I think this is a perfectly fluffy bit of cheerfulness. It’s not going to kick your dog or yell at your grandma so maybe it’s not so bad?

Score: 79