Sound of Thunder, A

A Sound of Thunder is based (loosely) on the short story by Ray Bradbury. It’s really quite dumb and some of the FX are just kind of quaint and silly and 5 years old… but they are ambitious, I’ll give them that.

The short story is about time travel and is either the basis of – or borrows from – the Butterfly Effect theory. The time travelers are sent back in time to hunt dinosaurs but they can only kill dinos that are about to die (in tar pits – and a volcano!). So they aren’t affecting the future as long as they don’t step off the high-tech path or otherwise affect the past. Well, one guy does, steps on a butterfly, and affects 65 million years of history. End of short story.

The movie keeps on going, giving us changes in the future via these waves that cause only certain creatures to evolve based on the changes in the past… and the waves keep coming causing more evolved creatures to evolve with each wave… or something.

Problem is, everyone in the world realizes these changes are taking place which pretty much would be impossible if you changed the past… in theory. Screw it all, but you can’t change the past anyhow (in theory) so I guess it doesn’t matter what version of temporal mechanics you go with.

Anyhow, the movie has baboon-dinosaurs so that’s kind of awesome in a massively silly way. I’ve seen worse flicks. It’s enjoyably stupid.

Score: 69