It would be unfair to ask why The Little Mermaid is a mermaid or why The Lion King is a lion. So maybe it should be unfair to ask why this movie has merfolk (merpeople? Merboys?). It doesn’t need them … Continue reading
It would be unfair to ask why The Little Mermaid is a mermaid or why The Lion King is a lion. So maybe it should be unfair to ask why this movie has merfolk (merpeople? Merboys?). It doesn’t need them … Continue reading
I swear to all the Gods of AMC that I saw The Hitman’s Bodyguard. I remember going to see the movie, I remember it starring Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson, and I remember thinking it was dumb enough fun … Continue reading
The Misfits surprised me only once… when the credits rolled, Renny Harlin’s name came up. Yet it didn’t surprise me either… I can believe the flashy attempts at cool would come from a director like him. But also that the … Continue reading
I was moved by this sweet, well-intentioned little film about finding your courage and standing up for yourself. Which is certainly more identifiable to me than actual skateboarding… because I think I’ve been on a board once in my life … Continue reading
Oddly enough, I’ve never seen the original Spirit (Stallion of the Cimarron) ) so it’s a little perplexing I bothered tromping to the cinemas to watch this kid’s film remake? Sequel? But I have an AMC Stubs card burning a … Continue reading
Plan B is a pretty terrific film. I was genuinely surprised. Surprised at how raunchy it was, surprised at how funny it was, and surprised at how heartfelt it was. It puts on a bawdy face but is secretly one … Continue reading
Infinite is dumb as a box of rocks. It’s also slickly produced and it looks good. But it also has a numbskull script that can’t get out of its own way and piteously poor narration that suggests the screenwriter, director, … Continue reading
Pure liquified joy extracted and painted on the cinema screen. I watched this film with an airy smile… not a grin, not with belly laughs, but with a gentle smile. So much fun and full of life. Not perfect, if … Continue reading
Hey, it was a 99 cent rental on iTunes so I finally gave in. I expected trash, I got trash. But I got fairly entertaining trash. There’s that kind of sleaze that knows its sleazy and this movie, I think, … Continue reading
This film almost gets there but it sags too much in the middle which kills the momentum of a good idea. The kind of high concept good idea that nearly everyone can identify with on some level. If you’ve ever … Continue reading